


Organizacion de eventos musicales



In the beginning… Snuff was first formed when but jim millions will die; drummer Graham couldnt make a rehearsal & Duncan from come what may stepped in to help.A thrash version of purple haze was born. later both bands split up & Simon Andy & Duncan got together in 86 as Snuff. Also during this time a folk side project called the Tank Tops was formed, with Duncan on fiddle and Andy and Simon playing other instruments that I cant remember right now. Nothing was ever actually released, but the Tank Tops promised to play a gig within 10 years. Though that doesnt look too promising…. Then something bad happened, Snuff broke up. A sad day for punk rock. Duncan, Simon, Andy, and Dave on Bone (who had been added as a full time member with the release Flibbiddydibbiddydob) went their separate ways and did their separate things. Sometime after this (not exactly sure when) Duncan and Simon got together with Sean from Wat Tyler, and some other chaps, and recorded the URIN 8 7″. The Bizzaresque E.P. is the only release that I know of that came out of this collaboration.

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